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ADC-VDB770 installation overview
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Installation overview


For more detailed installation instructions, see Video Doorbell (ADC-VDB770) - Installation Guide and ADC-VDB770 enrollment best practices.

  1. Run a speed test (requires minimum 2.5Mbps upload speed)
  2. Test existing chime for functionality
  3. Verify voltage and power (requires 16-30V AC, 10 VA)
  4. Turn off electricity to the transformer

  1. Install the power module
  2. Install a mounting bracket and the doorbell backplate
  3. Attach the Video Doorbell
  4. Turn electricity back on to the transformer
  5. Connect the Video Doorbell to the Wi-Fi network
  6. Enroll the Video Doorbell to the customer account

  1. Test live video and Two-Way Audio
  2. Configure chime type and verify chime functionality
  3. Configure mounting bracket selection
  4. Test interaction with other devices (if applicable) from call screen
  5. Create and test Doorbell Call recording rule and Doorbell Call notification
  6. Create and test Video Analytics recording rule and configure associated notification

Install the power module.pngInstall mounting bracket and doorbell backplate.png

LED guide

LED pattern Description

LED off.png


Power off

LED solid red.png

Solid red

No local or Internet connection

LED blinking red.png

Blinking red

Power on, camera booting

LED solid green.png

Solid green

Connected to

LED blinking green.png

Blinking green

Local network connection

LED double flash blue.png

Double-blinking blue

Unable to ring indoor chime

For more information about what causes this status, see What does the double-blinking blue LED on the ADC-VDB770 mean?.

LED blinking blue.png

Blinking blue

WPS mode (press and hold button for 30-45s)

LED blinking white.png

Blinking white

Wi-Fi Access point mode (press and hold button for 45-60s)

LED blinking yellow.png

Blinking yellow

Camera power cycling (press and hold button for 60-75s)

LED alternating green and red.png

Alternating red & green

Camera resetting to factory default (press and hold button for >75s)

Note: If the indoor chime is enabled for the device, holding down the button will trigger a single indoor chime immediately after being pressed. If desired, the indoor chime can be disabled through the Customer Website before pressing the button to initiate one of the above modes.

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770_Install_Job_Aid.pdf LED_solid_red.png LED_alternating_green_and_red.png LED_blinking_white.png LED_blinking_blue.png LED_blinking_red.png LED_blinking_green.png LED_solid_green.png LED_off.png Install_the_power_module.png Install_mounting_bracket_and_doorbell_backplate.png LED_blinking_yellow.png
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