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Calibrate a device for Video Analytics
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Users can calibrate certain video devices for Video Analytics using the MobileTech app, Customer app, or Customer Website. The calibration process involves taking five still images of a person in different locations visible to the camera.

Important: The video device should be recalibrated whenever it is moved to another location.

The following video devices require calibration before a user can create a Video Analytics recording rule. For more information about creating a Video Analytics rule, see Configure a Video Analytics rule.

Video devices that require calibration include:

  • 180ยบ HD Camera (ADC-V622)
  • 1080p Outdoor Wi-Fi Camera (ADC-V723)
  • 1080p Indoor Wi-Fi Camera (ADC-V523)

Calibration best practices

Entire body.png

Verify that the person's entire body is in the field of view for each photo.

Move backwards.png

After taking each photo, take a few steps backward relative to the field of view instead of side to side.

mobile recommendation.PNG

Use a mobile device instead of the Customer Website to make it easier to move around and take photos.

Calibrate a camera for the first time

Users can calibrate a camera using the Customer app, the MobileTech app, or the Customer Website. If using a mobile device, the calibration can be completed by one person.

To calibrate the camera using the Customer app:
  1. Log into the Customer app.
  2. Tap Menu.
  3. Tap Video.
  4. Tap Configure.
  5. Tap Recording rules.
  6. Tap + Add New Rule.
  7. Tap Video Analytics.
  8. Tap to select the video device to be calibrated.

    Note: The camera's existing Video Motion Detection (VMD) rules will be removed, but they can be added back later. Tap Ok to delete the VMD rules and continue with calibration.
  9. After the camera completes Video Analytics setup, tap Close.
  10. Tap to select the video device to be calibrated.
  11. Tap Continue.
  12. Verify the person is in the camera's field of view, then tap Take Photo.
  13. Tap Next.
  14. Repeat the previous two steps for each photo having the person move a few steps further from the camera each time.
  15. After five photos are captured, tap Submit.
  16. Once the calibration is complete, tap Done. The camera is now ready for a Video Analytics rule. For more information about how to create a Video Analytics rule, see Configure a Video Analytics rule.


To calibrate the camera using the MobileTech app:
  1. Log into the MobileTech app.
  2. Find the customer.
  3. Tap Equipment.
  4. In Video Devices, tap the video device to calibrate.
  5. Tap Configure Video Device.
  6. Tap Set up Analytics rule.
  7. Send a communication test from the customer's panel to gain temporary access to this feature.  When access expires, another communication test must be sent. For panel-specific steps to send a communication test, see Panels.

    Note: For accounts without a security panel, this feature can only be accessed using the Customer Website or app.
  8. Tap to select the video device to be calibrated.

    Note: The camera's existing Video Motion Detection (VMD) rules must be removed, but they can be added back later. Tap Ok to delete the VMD rules and continue with calibration.
  9. After the camera completes Video Analytics setup, tap Close.
  10. Tap to select the video device to be calibrated.
  11. Tap Continue.
  12. Verify the person is in the camera's field of view, then tap Take Photo.
  13. Tap Next.
  14. Repeat the previous two steps for each photo having the person move a few steps further from the camera each time.
  15. After five photos are captured, tap Submit.
  16. Once the calibration is complete, tap Done. The camera is now ready for a Video Analytics rule. For more information about how to create a Video Analytics rule, see Configure a Video Analytics rule.
To calibrate a camera using the Customer Website:
  1. Log into the Customer Website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Recording rules.
  4. Click + Add New Rule.
  5. Click Video Analytics.
  6. Click to select the video device to be calibrated.

    Note: The camera's existing Video Motion Detection (VMD) rules will be removed, but they can be added back later. Click Ok to delete the VMD rules and continue with calibration.
  7. After the camera completes Video Analytics setup, click Close.
  8. Click to select the video device to be calibrated.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Verify the person is in the camera's field of view, then click Take Photo.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Repeat the previous two steps for each photo having the person move a few steps further from the camera each time.
  13. After five photos are captured, click Submit.
  14. Once the calibration is complete, click Done. The camera is now ready for a Video Analytics rule. For more information about how to create a Video Analytics rule, see Configure a Video Analytics rule.

Recalibrate a camera

Users can calibrate a camera using the Customer app, the MobileTech app, or the Customer Website. If using a mobile device, the calibration can be completed by one person.

To recalibrate a camera using the Customer app:
  1. Log into the Customer app.
  2. Tap Menu.
  3. Tap Video.
  4. Tap Configure.
  5. Tap Calibrate Cameras.
  6. On the desired video device, tap Details.
  7. Tap Continue.
  8. Verify the person is in the camera's field of view, then tap Take Photo.
  9. Tap Next.
  10. Repeat the previous two steps for each photo having the person move a few steps further from the camera each time.
  11. After five photos are captured, tap Submit.
  12. Once the calibration is complete, tap Done. The camera is now ready for a Video Analytics rule. For more information about how to create a Video Analytics rule, see Configure a Video Analytics rule.
To recalibrate a camera using the MobileTech app:
  1. Log into the MobileTech app.
  2. Find the customer.
  3. Tap Equipment.
  4. In Video Devices, tap the video device to calibrate.
  5. Tap Configure Video Device.
  6. Tap Calibrate Video Device.
  7. Send a communication test from the customer's panel to gain temporary access to this feature.  When access expires, another communication test must be sent. For panel-specific steps to send a communication test, see Panels.

    Note: For accounts without a security panel, this feature can only be accessed using the Customer Website or app.
  8. Tap Start Camera Calibration.
  9. Tap Continue.
  10. Verify the person is in the camera's field of view, then tap Take Photo.
  11. Tap Next.
  12. Repeat the previous two steps for each photo having the person move a few steps further from the camera each time.
  13. After five photos are captured, tap Submit.
  14. Once the calibration is complete, tap Done. The camera is now ready for a Video Analytics rule. For more information about how to create a Video Analytics rule, see Configure a Video Analytics rule.
To recalibrate a camera using the Customer Website:
  1. Log into the Customer Website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. On the Video banner, click Settings.
  4. Using the Video Device dropdown menu, select the video device to calibrate.
  5. Click Video Analytics Calibration.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Verify the person is in the camera's field of view, then click Take Photo.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Repeat the previous two steps for each photo having the person move a few steps further from the camera each time.
  10. After five photos are captured, click Submit.
  11. Once the calibration is complete, click Done. The camera is now ready for a Video Analytics rule. For more information about how to create a Video Analytics rule, see Configure a Video Analytics rule.
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