Users can configure the ADC-VDB770's motion detection settings to only capture what is important. Follow these guidelines to optimize motion detection. Verify that the correct mounting bracket is selected When using mounting brackets that tilt the device vertically, selecting the currently used bracket in the Vide…
Configure the loudness of an active doorbell call. To adjust the call volume using the Customer Website: * Log into the Customer Website. * Click Video . * Click Settings . * Using the Video Device dropdown menu, select the desired video device. * Click Video Device Info . * Use the Call Volume slider …
Configure the ADC-VDB770 chime type to match the chime connected to the device. There is an option to select no chime. Note : On firmware version 2052+, the chime type can be selected during AP mode Wi-Fi setup. If the option does not appear during AP mode, adjust the chime type after enrollment. For more informatio…
The power module distributes power from the transformer and is required to be used with every ADC-VDB770 installation. A power module is included with each ADC-VDB770. Power module purpose * Enables installers to retrofit existing 10VA (volt-amp) transformers and avoid the need for replacement by allocating all t…
Users can create a button push notification using the Notifications page. To create a button press notification using the Customer app: * Log into the Customer app. * Tap . * Tap Doorbell Camera . * Tap . * Tap Push Notifications . * Tap + Add . * Tap Doorbell Call . * Name the notification. * In …
Saved video settings can be customized for the ADC-VDB770. To adjust saved video image settings using the Customer Website: * Log into the Customer Website. * Click Video . * Click Settings . * Using the Video Device dropdown menu, select the desired camera. * Click Saved Video . * Using the Resolution …
Follow the steps on this page to ensure that the ADC-VDB770 operates the way it should. Before enrollment Verify the original chime and doorbell button function properly Ring the doorbell before starting the installation to ensure the system functions properly. Verify the internet bandwidth is sufficient for the …
Configure the ADC-VDB770 wedge type (i.e., type of mounting bracket) for optimal motion detection. To adjust the wedge type using the Customer Website: * Log into the Customer Website. * Click Video . * Click Settings . * Using the Video Device dropdown menu, select the desired video device. * Click Video…
Touchless Doorbell for the ADC-VDB770 allows guests to stand in a designated area to ring the Video Doorbell without touching the device. To enable the Touchless Doorbell feature Using the Customer Website: * Log into the Customer Website. * Click Video . * Click Recording Rules . * Click to edit an existi…
The ADC-VDB770 can be powered without a chime using either a DC adapter with a power rating of 15-30V DC, 8W minimum — or an AC transformer with a power rating of 16-30V AC, 10-30VA. Important : This chimeless configuration requires a resistor rated at 10 Watts 10 Ohms with 5% tolerance. To wire the ADC-VDB770 with…