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Home > True Protection > Alarm Systems > 2Gig > GC3/GC3e Panel > Connect a 2GIG GC3 to a Wi-Fi network
Connect a 2GIG GC3 to a Wi-Fi network
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The panel can be connected to a Wi-Fi network by either manually selecting the network or using Wireless Protected Setup (WPS). 

Once the system is connected to Wi-Fi, Dual-Path communication can also be enabled. For more information about enabling Dual-Path, see Enable or disable Dual-Path communication remotely

Important: The 2GIG GC3 panel must be firmware version 3.1+ to connect to Wi-Fi.

To connect a 2GIG GC3 to Wi-Fi by selecting the wireless network name:

  1. Go to the home screen.
  2. Tap System Settings.
  3. Enter the installer or master code. 
  4. Tap Network Settings.

  5. Tap Wireless.
  6. Tap to select the wireless network name.
  7. Enter the wireless network's password.
  8. Tap Next.

To connect a 2GIG GC3 to Wi-Fi by using WPS:

  1. Go to the home screen.
  2. Tap System Settings.
  3. Enter the installer or master code. 
  4. Tap Network Settings.
  5. Tap Wireless.
  6. Tap WPS.
  7. Push the WPS button on the wireless router.
    • The location of the WPS button on the wireless router can vary. Consult the device's user guide or contact the device manufacturer for more information.


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